Awareness, Acceptance and Selflove are the keys to unlock


' You can't stop the waves, but you can learn how to surf.'
Jon Kabat-Zinn

ABOUT elise
Elise Bergshoeff
is a therapist who knows how to combine her knowledge and intuition. In this way she is capable to make a personal plan with a very unique approach for anyone who is looking for personal development in one way or another.
Elise is a certified Art Therapist and MBSR mindfulness trainer. You can find more about services in the menu under 'Mindful living'.
Elise guides individuals and groups.
Besides this, she works in high school with children to create safe environments in the classroom as well as working on personal insights. As well she teaches mindfulness in the upper classes for more awareness in a younger age. For more information about these projects you can check www.de-ik-factor.nl
Elise heeft de volgende registraties:
Registratie VMBN categorie 1 MBSR Trainer
Registratie FVB, NVBT, Register Vaktherapie