Mindfulness Based
Stress Reduction Training
Den Haag / The Hague
Start: to be announced
If you have questions please contact me.
Would you like to dive deeper into meditation and stress reduction?
Would you like to learn how to rest your nerve system, get more in touch with your body(signals) and have more insights about how your mind operates, your patterns and behaviours?
Or would you like to be more in the present moment with others, letting go of any 'doing' and just 'be' and sit?
Scroll down for more information about the 8 week practise or send an email for other inquiries.
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction: Waarom MBSR en wat leer je in de training?
Often we do not konw how thoughts and patterns influence or life, when we are always running and do not stand still. The mind is busy with what we still have to do, and from one to-do we run to another to-do.
When we are not doing, the mind is still running around and we are not 'here'.
Just as much as the body needs our attention to stay fit, the mind needs attention to pause at times, so it won't overrun.
A jar that is full with 'to-do' can mindfully deflate in 'to-be'.
Then the mind can take a rest of itself. So we stay mentally sane :)
In this training we practise being present.
We observe our thoughts, feelings and automatic responses.
We learn to investigate what presents itself and to give it the space to be.
By being mindful, we create space.
Only then can we choose how to deal with a thought or how to react in a situation.
In the training there will be provided information to understand what is stress.
In the exercises you learn how to recognize the emerging stress, and how we can relate to it in a healthy way.
The training includes one full practise day.
In this day we will practice the exercises we have done over the past weeks. All the practise will be guided.
When taking the time to do these exercises for multiple hours in this day, we will really have time to unwind and feel how these exercises can work for us.
The body and mind need time to go from a state of always 'on' and alert, to go in a state of 'being' and letting go.
Participants share that this day is a very fruitful day full of insights.
Which effects can mindfulness give?
Higher concentration, clear head
Being more kind to oneself, more compassionate and patient
Dealing better with work stress
Reducing stress symptoms
Reducing the risk of burnout due to:
- Dealing better with difficult situations
- Easier switching between relaxation and exertion
- Being less carried away by emotions and streams of thought
- Faster physical and mental identification of what is going on
- Keeping a more balanced work-life balance
- Feeling more vital and self-aware
- Having more peace of mind and overview
- Listening better to oneself and better communicating with others
Practical information MBSR training
Training: weekly sessions of 2,5 hours for the durations of two months. (8 sessions)
Investment: EU 550,- p.p.
Data: upcoming
Time: upcoming
Location: The Hague, precize location will be revealed when the training is established.
What is included in the training?
- A preliminary introductory meeting
- 1 trainingday from 10:00 to 16:00
- An information/workbook
- Attributes used in the class, like yogamaths and meditation pillows.