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what do i offer, how can i help you?

Art therapy

This is a way to express your feelings and  your unconsciousness.

When you talk, you are able to go around your blind spots. When you are creating without thinking, you give a voice to the unspoken or unknown. 
This therapy can be beneficial in different ways: 

  • Expressing emotions

  • Giving insights and clarity

  • Healing trauma

  • Getting heart and head on the same line


The coaching that is provided is based on positive psychology and has a holistic structure. This includes your physical, emotional and mental state of being.
Below all the layers of conditioning, there is a deeper sence of Self. This contains your passions, truth, worths and values. It contains your compass of wisdom and intuition. 
You could say, your soul speaks from here. On a deeper level. here you find compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, joy and love. You will discover how these worths relate to your personal life.

The coaching is a guidance that helps you to come to your full empowerment. To reach a state of acceptance and/or transformation. 


In the first sessions we get a clear vision of where you are and where you want to be. You will get exercises to practise with in your daily life. 

These practises may include:


  • Meditation

  • Physical exercises

  • Mindful exercises

  • Writing 

  • Creative expressions

Meditation & Mindfulness

What is mindful meditation?

Mindful meditation is being in the moment, aware of what arises. 
Your attention can turn inwards: awareness of breath, physical sensations, thoughts or emotions.
Your attention can turn outwards: sensory experiences can be noticed, like hearing sounds around you.

What we practise is to try to be aware with consciousness of what arises, Sometimes you lose yourself in a thought, sometimes you are aware of your thought.
We drift away, notice this, and bring ourselves friendly back to the present moment. 

This process of being aware and falling back in automatics, is the process of mindful meditation. 

What are the benefits of meditation? 

The best way to answer this, is to say to experience this for yourself.  
Though generally one can say that mindful meditation makes you more aware of automatic patterns, thoughts, behaviours and stress-signals. You are able to 'step out of it', pause, and make different choices that are more beneficial and healthy for your body, mind and emotional body. 

It is possible to do one-on-one sessions. You can also follow a 8week-training called Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, you find more information in the menu.


Relaxational healing

Relaxational healing occurs on the physical,  emotional and mental surface. 

How does it work?

You lie down in a comfortable way in a chair or table. You start with some relaxation exercises, which soften your muscles and calm your mind. Meanwhile you get a gentle laying on of hands. This may conclude a light pulsing, tapping or pressing.  
In a state of relaxation, you tap more into the state between being awake and sleeping. Your conscious and uncounscious mind connect. The physical body gets more connected with feelings and thoughts. This can give new insights or a release of emotions.


Soulspeak, The Hague, The Netherlands
Elise Bergshoeff
Kvk registrationnumber 65453743


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